About Symphony

As they say, the clue is in the name. We’re all about improving your firm’s performance by getting everything ‘playing’ together. CRM, Practice Management, disparate and silo'd platforms – we analyse, harmonise and optimise.

Since 1999 Symphony has been partnering with professional services firms, initially in accountancy practice management solutions. Over time we have evolved to develop holistic, across-platforms expertise to include Client Relationship Management (CRM), System Integration and Automation for legal and accounting firms.

We see it time and again. When a firm’s systems are truly integrated – CRM, Practice Management and legacy systems allow for easy access to data from across the organisation and your team have the means and freedom to build their all-important client relations.

In this state, staff members are far more enabled to have those opportunity conversations, with both prospects and existing clients. To achieve this outcome, we offer the best of both worlds' capability. We mix our technical software, including CRM and practice management software, and network disciplines with a consultative capacity to support the strategies for business development. With this approach, the lifetime value of a client is extended, generating new business easily and saving time and money.

This is supported with the latest solution added to the Symphony family which leverages existing client information, highlighting frequency and recency of communication. Client Sense is a cost-effective, data-driven solution providing real-time relationship intelligence visibility you need to manage, protect and grow the relationships that drive revenue and improve client retention.

Just as crucially, Symphony has grown on the basis of relationship building with absolute transparency. We’re honest and open, always ready to provide realistic opinions and advice. Symphony gives you the whole picture. Our analysis will clearly identify what’s good, bad or indifferent in your existing setup, and precisely define the solution.

Building long term relationships founded in trust. This is what defines Symphony and our journey, everything we do is with authenticity.

Learn more about our solutions including CRM, Client Sense and Practice Management for accountants and legal firms.

The Symphony approach offers a broad spectrum of solutions that enable professional service firms to remove the forces that are restraining business performance and enable focus on those that drive the future. In a nutshell, it's doing things right with the right things.

Brian Coventry Brian Coventry CEO, Symphony

Meet the team

Our team draws together some remarkable people, individuals with the skills and experience to help your firm make the most of the rapidly transforming data integration landscape.

  • Brian Coventry

    Brian Coventry


    I enjoy working with enthusiastic and driven people supporting entrepreneurial success. Applying experience and knowledge of business, strategy and management - gained from different countries and cultures - helps others to see a forward path, revealing options and value improvements. A key focus for me is to research and lay out facts in language and terminology that others find easy to understand. It is essential to bring teams into a discussion on change, to help define a solution and then work with them to make it a reality. LinkedIn @briancoventry


    +44 7976 919 966

  • Phil Lowe

    Phil Lowe


    Over the last 30 years, I’ve been fortunate to have the opportunity to work on some ground-breaking, innovative technology projects around the world. Sometimes supportive of established incumbents like newspaper groups or accounting firms; sometimes disruption plays in online marketing, recruitment or payroll. But, always alongside remarkable people. I’m excited to be working with the talented people at Symphony to deliver practical innovation into our clients and their clients’ businesses. LinkedIn @PhilLowe_CDir


    +44 7802 370 770

  • Neil


    Senior Consultant

  • Jenni


    Senior Consultant

  • Ben


    Senior Consultant

  • Tricia


    Senior Consultant

  • Greg


    Senior Consultant

  • Sayfur


    Support Manager

  • Martin


    Senior Developer

  • Scott



  • Jack



  • Claire


    HR Manager

Different values, different thinking

We believe in clarity, fairness, transparency. That’s how we build strong relationships and solutions which fulfil your aims in every respect. Everything with authenticity.

Our partners

Naturally we choose partners who are best able to fulfil our promises to our clients. So quality, flexibility, expertise, openness and value are Symphony’s selection criteria. From Europe, Australia and New Zealand to the USA

  • SugarCRM

    We’re proud to be a global OEM partner for Sugar CRM. Adapting Sugar’s respected platform has led to Symphony CRM, and the means for you to create extraordinary client relationships through the most innovative and affordable CRM on the market, specifically tuned to match the demands of professional service firms

  • ClientSense

    Client Sense was developed collaboratively with mid-tier law firms, in response to the challenges faced when relying on manual data entry to support the firms’ Business Development and Client Relationship Management initiatives.

  • Digital 100 Alliance

    Symphony – APS has joined the Digital 100 Alliance, a group of leading technology companies with experience and expertise in "Top 100" accountancy firms. The Alliance is focused on cloud-based, connected software, with open API's supporting deep integrations.

  • APS

    APS maintains a market-leading position in practice management and business intelligence solutions. Their Advance suite is the proven and trusted by professional service firms from New Zealand to the USA. For Symphony, it remains the ideal integration partner with our CRM, with the unerring capacity to transform practice management

  • Legal Support Network

    Symphony is a partner of the Legal Support Network (LSN) which has been building a community for people in law firm management throughout the UK since 2006. LSN brings the legal business services community together online and through its networking events.

  • Sales Plus Profit

    Sales Plus Profit listen to you, identify where your challenges are, apply their methodology and show you how to implement a Sustainable Sales System© to reduce your risk and maximise your potential. Sales problems fixed, no drama.

Get in touch today

Talk to us about getting your software application platforms working together to support your firm’s organisational objectives and strategic goals…