Client Sense

Client Sense automatically joins the dots for you, providing you with the visibility you need to manage, protect and grow the relationships that drive revenue.

Relationships are critical to future success

There is always the risk that clients move away when conversations and the level of engagement fades or key members of your team move away.

You fail to leverage the true potential within the client asset because your business development or marketing teams are talking to the wrong people within your client's professional services firm. A missed cross-sell opportunity is your competition's open door.

If this happens for clients, it happens for referrers too. Feeling under-served they too move away.

The cost mounts and will be exposed when the life-time value of a client leaves the revenue stream. Weighed against the cost of acquiring new clients the loss accumulates.

Getting on top of knowing the total spend on the services you market, the percentage of wallet share you win from a client, how much key referrers generate for you and referring elsewhere is vital. Ensuring you are managing these key relationships effectively is crucial to this dynamic. Enter Client Sense to automatically joins the dots for you. Leveraging existing client information, the cost-effective data driven solution is quick and simple to install, providing you with real time relationship intelligence visibility that you need to manage, protect and grow the relationships that drive revenue to improve the client experience.

Book a demonstration here to learn more about our legal and accountancy relationship intelligence solution.

The Benefits of Client Sense from Symphony





Client Sense

The Problem

  • There isn’t a clear view of email communication between the firm and key existing clients. Opportunities are being missed.
  • No understanding of who you should be managing in the relationship - both client side or internally at your firm.
  • You can’t correlate communication with the services your clients are engaged with.
  • You are not measuring the frequency of communication with your referrers and as a result, opportunities are being missed.
  • When a colleague leaves, you don’t have a succession planning strategy in place. You don't have a clear picture of the communication patterns and who the ideal successor should be.

The Solution

  • Client Sense provides a clear view of email traffic between the firm and key clients firmwide. Allowing you to easily manage the client relationship to increase retention.
  • Client Sense enables the firm to understand who the right people are on both sides to open up new topics of discussion to improve the client experience and be a key component in your retention strategy.
  • Client Sense ensures your teams, such as business development, can see which service lines are engaged with clients using real time data.
  • Client Sense monitors contact with your key inbound referrers measuring the frequency of the communication from within the firm.
  • When a colleague leaves, Client Sense enables you to understand communication patterns and provides relationship intelligence insights into the best person to be the successor.
  • When looking at opportunities, Client Sense provides management with the insight into the likely success based on communication patterns.
  • Use Client Sense as part of your client retention programme to deliver optimum client experience and business development strategy for your firm.



Find Out More

Find Out More

Client Sense automatically joins the dots for you, providing you with the visibility you need to manage, protect and grow the relationships that drive revenue.


Symphony solutions to solve this

Client Sense

No data entry just connect to Outlook

Client Sense

Fast implementation, up and running within days

Client Sense

Flexible License terms.

Integrated with

  • Outlook 365

  • Exchange

  • MailChimp

  • Google

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