
Having solved many of the Business Development and Client Relationship Management challenges for professional services firms, we also wanted to change and transform elements of the traditional and expensive software systems in the market. Enter, Client Sense.

Our Focus for Legal

The software solutions that Symphony market to legal firms are Client Sense and SymphonyCRM which have three core elements:

Data driven client retention solution

Together with our partner Client Sense – the data driven client retention and business development solution – we bring a strong background in law firm data analytics, blended reporting and technical system integration. We take pride in ensuring Client Sense is intuitive, elegant, and easy to use. We believe passionately in our solution and work every day to ensure that the Client Sense system reflects the capable and personable team that sits behind it.

Relationship intelligence solution

Client Sense provides you with visibility of client information to manage, protect and grow the relationships that drives revenue.

By leveraging existing data, you can manage key client’s relationships and inbound referrals so that your firm can quickly and easily enhance its Business Development capabilities.

Inbound referrals

This relationship intelligence solution’s data driven capabilities tracks client interaction and referrer communication in real time. The dashboard highlights trends so that you are clear on the last known contact with the client’s firm and which employee spoke to them. You can plan when to make regular contact with referrers to ensure you do not lose out to your competition.

Understand business critical issues that affect success

The technology partner you work with needs to be able to truly understand why you are where you are, and your unique challenges, before you can begin to know what it is you need to invest in. Simply being a law firm does not make you the same as all other law firms.

Through our Envision workshops, we create a deeper understanding of your firm, it’s component parts and the truly unique business-critical issues that affect your success every single day. Envision will unearth your WHY.

So why is your WHY so vital? SOLID, which stands for Summit on Legal Innovation and Disruption, is already well established in the US and was held here in the UK for the first time in November 2018. Caroline Hill published the following on

“If I had to draw one conclusion from a very diverse range of talks, it would be that forward-thinking in-house legal teams are waking up to the need to analyse exactly what it is they do before they invest money in technology…in order to become more efficient and automate your processes, you need to know what those processes are. It’s a no brainer, but something that is not being replicated across the industry, including by law firms.…asking ‘why’ you’re doing something is a precursor to everything."

The 8 Dimensions of Envision, fundamental to the technology selection process, will help you clearly define your internal WHY.

Get in touch today

Talk to us about getting your software application platforms working together to support your firm’s organisational objectives and strategic goals…