
Having solved the practice management requirements for leading accounting firms over many years we extended our expertise into CRM software solving accountants integration and automation demands. Moving from the historical representation of data to technology solutions that provide actionable insights, in real time, to enhance performance and growth has become a key focus.

Our Focus for Accounting

The technology partner you work with needs to be able to truly understand why you are where you are, and your unique challenges, before you can begin to know what it is your accountancy firm needs to invest in.

Today, accounting firms discuss platforms that spread beyond SQL Server practice management systems. They require platforms that integrate with ETL processes that update multiple business systems such as HR, document management, expense management, performance management and client management platforms.

We see it time and again. When a firm’s systems are truly integrated to create access to data, that is easy, from across the organisation, your people have the means and freedom to build their all-important client relationships. The modern accounting firm will not benefit by deploying a relationship management CRM solution or Practice Management system alone. It takes much more than simply having the technology at your fingertips to make such platforms successful for practices managing prospective clients.

We call this Client Lifecycle Management and this forms part of our vision for the top 100 accountancy practices. At Symphony we believe that your business partner must be skilled in both technology platform selection and, vitally, client lifecycle and lead management within the CRM system. The challenge is to implement solutions for accountants that connect all business functions including client records, business development and marketing campaigns that improve the client experience and business processes. Creating a single data entry point and integrated flow for prospect and client information is a key driver for improving business development and client service delivery.

We have three solution groups for Accounting

CRM for Accountants - Targeting & Marketing Automation | Referral & Event Management | Opportunity & Pipeline Management | Client Engagement | Client Management | Client Sense

Practice Management for Accountants - Practice Management | Performance Management | Business Intelligence | Automation & Integration

Relationship Intelligence for Accountants - Client Sense

Through our Envision workshops, we create a deeper understanding of your firm, it’s component parts and the truly unique business-critical issues that affect your success every single day. Envision will unearth your WHY.

“Right from the outset, the Envision™ process allowed us to quickly establish what was important to the project and just as importantly, what was irrelevant. The process has proved a constant source of reference, ensuring we remain on track and deliver the outcomes most important to the practice.” - Adam Irwin, COO, Pitcher Partners - Sydney

Get in touch today

Talk to us about getting your software application platforms working together to support your firm’s organisational objectives and strategic goals…